Friday, November 10, 2006

Week 10 Transactions

Kind of a slow week for the teams in the PPFFL as far as manipulating their rosters. Is it a coincidence that the top 2 teams rarely make any changes to their rosters? Are the other 3 of us just a bunch of Steinbrenners making Buehner-for-Phelps-type deals that never really pan out?

The Spongebobs waive RB Travis Henry (Tennessee) and acquire RB Maurice Morris (Seattle)

The Dragons waive RB Corey Dillon (New England) and acquire RB Laurence Maroney (New England)
The Dragons waive (FINALLY!!!!!!) WR Antwaan Randle El (Warshington) and acquire WR Hank Baskett (Philadelphia)

Plan Z waives the San Diego defense and acquires the Denver defense

Let it be noted right here, that Week 10 is the longest anyone in any fantasy league nationwide waited to cut Randle El. For that, Dragons, you receive the Patience of Job designation (we all know that The Spongebobs would have dumped him after the first quarter of Warshington's Week 1 game).


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